Guide: What are KvCore Hashtags and How do you use KvCore Hashtags

In kvCORE's Smart CRM, hashtags function as customizable tags. These tags enable users to efficiently organize their contact lists, facilitating rapid filtering and communication. Additionally, they can initiate various actions within the kvCORE system.

Users have the flexibility to create an unlimited number of hashtags and apply multiple tags to each contact. These hashtags can be added manually or configured to automatically tag certain types of contacts, such as new leads, as they are entered into the Smart CRM.

For more information on user roles, click here.

Discover how hashtags help contact organization and automation in your kvCORE business management:

Understanding Hashtags

All kvCORE users can create hashtags, while Company and Office Admins have visibility over all users' hashtags. View and apply hashtags directly from a contact's record in the Smart CRM for streamlined management.

For more information on adding and applying hashtags, click here.

Filtering and Labeling with Hashtags

Hashtags in the Smart CRM enable you to filter contacts easily. They're ideal for categorizing contacts based on search preferences, financial status, and engagement levels. For instance, use specific property address hashtags for open house leads or status-based tags like #In_Escrow for contacts in different stages of the buying/selling process.

For more information on contact statuses, click here.

For more information on the Open House app, click here.

Hashtags as Functional Triggers

Beyond labeling, hashtags can trigger automated actions in kvCORE:

  • Smart Campaign Triggers: Automatically apply tailored campaigns to contacts with specific hashtags.

For more information on Smart Campaigns, click here.

  • Search Alerts: Set up proactive search alerts triggered by specific hashtags, streamlining lead engagement from targeted sources or interests.

For more information on creating search alerts, click here.

Automated Hashtag Applications

Please Note: These lists contains commonly used tools that utilize hashtags, but KvCore is always improving and more may be added that aren’t on this list.

Managing Your Hashtags

Create, merge, or delete them in your Smart CRM as needed.

How to Access Hashtag Management

To access hashtag management first navigate to the 'Marketing' tab from the main navigation. Then click 'View Hashtags' on the 'Hashtag Management' tile.

After entering the Hashtag Management tile, you will first see a complete list of hashtags assigned to the contacts within your CRM.

To learn more about Hashtag Management, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • In kvCORE, hashtags are case-insensitive. Whether you use #Agent2Brand or #agent2brand, both will yield the same search results. While some users capitalize for readability (like #iPhone), it doesn't impact the function of the hashtag. Simply put, capitalization in hashtags is purely aesthetic and doesn't affect their operational use.

If you have any questions or need further assistance when using hashtags, please reach out to Agent2Brand Support via the contact page.

Related Articles:

[kvCORE] How to Create & Apply Hashtags

[kvCORE - Admin] How to Create Entity Hashtags

[kvCORE] Hashtag Management

[kvCORE - Admin] Scope Levels Overview

[kvCORE] System Hashtags


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